Banzai Magazine Vol. 20 When Rommel Get His Goggles?

3600 JPY
490 g

【Manufacturer】 Bonsai Games
【Author】Nanka Waguri
【Type Specification】 Simulation Game
【Number of players】 2 (Solitaire Play Possible)
【Play time】Approximately 120 minutes
【Product Description】
The companion game, "When Rommel Get His Goggles?" is set in the North African Campaign, from Operation Compass conducted by General O'Connor of the British Army in December 1940 to the counter attack of General Rommel of the German Army arriving in North Africa in March 1941.
One player will be in charge of the British army and the other will be in charge of the Axis forces (Italian army and German army) and they will compete for victory and defeat.
【When Rommel Get His Goggles?】
Turn: 2Weeks, Hex: 10km, Unit: Battalion - Division Scale, Counter: 77, Map 1, Scenario: 1, Rule: 12p