Command Magazine Issue #175 The Encirclement at Leipzig, 16-19 October 1813

4000 JPY
450 g

【Manufacturer】 IED(Kokusai Tsushin)
【Author】Edward Curran
【Type Specification】 Simulation Game
【Number of players】 2 (Solitaire Play Possible)
【Play time】Approximately 180 minutes
【Product Description】
The accompanying game is "The Battle of the Nations" one of the pieces included in the Quadriga game "Napoleon at War: Four Battles," released by SPI in 1975.
 You will play the Battle of Leipzig, the largest battle of the Napoleonic Wars, fought on October 16-19, 1809, between the French army and the anti-Napoleonic allied forces. It determined the direction of the anti-French war against Napoleon after his failed Russian expedition.
 Against an allied force of more than 320,000 troops from Austria, Prussia, Russia, and Sweden, Napoleon, outnumbered by 190,000, retreated after a fierce battle.
 The game has two sets of rules: basic rules and special rules, with the first half of the game featuring the basic rules and the second half featuring the "Battle of the Nations" special rules.
【The Encirclement at Leipzig, 16-19 October 1813】
Turn: 1-2 Hours, Hex: 400-800m, Unit: 500-1000men, Counter: 200, Map 1, Scenario: 3, Rule: 8p